Author Topic: Albox Truck Fair  (Read 7163 times)


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Albox Truck Fair
« on: 19 Oct, 2019, 09:31:41 pm »
One hundred trucks from different eras are in Albox
The 'First Concentration of Trucks' honours the transport history of Albox and the Almanzora Valley

It is surprising that a town whose history is closely linked to transport activity for centuries, when the muleteers were responsible for carrying the goods from one place to another, had to wait until 2019 to celebrate a first concentration of the vehicles that now preform that function.

Around a hundred trucks will meet at the first concentration of these types of vehicles that will take place this Saturday at the Albox Fairgrounds. An event organised by the association 'Crazy for Trucks' with the collaboration of the Town Council and that, even before starting, it has already become a success since last Thursday afternoon they had received about eighty registrations, which means that anyone who visits from today until the end of the event will be able to view a great variety of these vehicles, whose manufacture in some cases dates back eighty years.

The president of the organising association, Pedro Chacón, recalls that the idea of ​​organising this 'Concentration of trucks and classics' was born when “I was having coffee with the association's vice president, Damián Granados, and he told me that nothing had ever been done in Albox and it had always been land of trucks and carriers. ” Said and done. They started working on the idea two months ago and today that project is a reality that, in addition to hosting trucks, will also offer other characteristic vehicles such as tractors or classic cars “with the occasional scooter of the 60's too,” adds Chacón. "We also wanted to accommodate the rest of the vehicles that have also been part of the history not only of Albox but of the Almanzora region, because Tíjola, Macael or Huércal-Overa have also lived on transport," he explains.


This Saturday morning will take place the reception of the vehicles that will participate in this concentration, whose owners will receive a gift. Once exhibited at the Fairground the next activity will be a meal that, among other products, will include a free giant paella.

In the afternoon, trucks and the rest of the vehicles will pass through the town so that all the neighbours can observe them driving through the streets and having the opportunity to view models that they have not seen for decades.

In the same way, the organisation will deliver a memory of the event to some of the participants such as the gift to the oldest vehicle, to the best decorated inside and outside, to the longest ... although that will be the least of the fun. "It's about enjoying, getting to know each other and spending a weekend with carriers, businessmen, with drivers ...", recalls the president of the association responsible for organising a concentration that is a tribute to the recent history of Albox and its region.


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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #1 on: 20 Oct, 2019, 09:50:14 am »
Wish I'd seen this before today - Sunday! :huh:
Can we have bit more notice next year Drax?  Has it been advertised anywhere?


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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #2 on: 20 Oct, 2019, 10:37:30 am »
It was advertised on the Albox Town Hall Facebook page Frankie.
You can still get to see it as it is also on today.



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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #3 on: 20 Oct, 2019, 11:38:11 am »
Wish I'd seen this before today - Sunday! :huh:
Can we have bit more notice next year Drax?  Has it been advertised anywhere?
First I saw of it was in the paper yesterday, like every other event Spanish around here, unless you "know" you only find out when it's started or over. Publicity for events is not a major criteria.  :thumbsdown:


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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #4 on: 20 Oct, 2019, 01:58:08 pm »
We have a viditor who would have loved that


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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #5 on: 21 Oct, 2019, 01:44:53 pm »
Me too!
Drax I can understand that you have to be in the know to find out about these events.  Every year they hold time trials in and around my village on a sunday but the first I know about it is when the road is blocked by the Guardia outside my house.

Clare Shirley

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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #6 on: 21 Oct, 2019, 02:06:18 pm »
They did a convoy through town it was loud and brillant


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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #7 on: 22 Oct, 2019, 09:46:52 am »
Sounds wonderful....

Clare Shirley

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Re: Albox Truck Fair
« Reply #8 on: 22 Oct, 2019, 10:55:38 am »
look at my facebook I posted pictures and a video