Author Topic: Two "Civic Agents" on the streets  (Read 5395 times)


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Two "Civic Agents" on the streets
« on: 31 Jan, 2020, 06:35:55 am »
The 'civic agents' arrive in Albox: information and surveillance as job descriptions
The Town Council starts the process for hiring two people who will be in uniforms although they will not have powers of arrest or sanctions.

The streets of Albox will soon have the presence of new employees aimed at ensuring civility in the municipality and they will also serve as mobile information points. This is the job of 'civic agent', a service announced this week by the mayor of Albox.

“They are people who are going to act to help the neighbours and to give them information on how they have to act correctly,” said the independent mayor, Francisco Torrecillas, about this initiative. The civic agents will not have the capacity to sanction, but they will be in charge of monitoring the behaviour of the neighbours and calling them to attention if necessary, the councillor detailed with several examples. “It is an informative task. A man who goes with a dog and does not carry a bag, he will be told what he has to do or how. Children and moms and dads have to share the parks, help anyone who is on the street, the elderly ... ”

The applicants who are selected after a hiring process will carry out their work patrolling throughout the town, representing a pioneering initiative in the province that “already works in many Catalan municipalities", says ​​Torrecillas, who values ​​this measure as a decision to “educate many people who do not act with civility” but above all as a way of "informing the entire population and people who need help."

Since one of their main tasks will be to provide information to those who require it, civic agents will wear their own uniform so that they can be easily identified on public streets and will be in permanent contact with the Local Police.

The employment exchange has already announced the requirements that applicants interested in becoming the first in Albox's history to wear the uniform of civic agents must meet, which they will assess, among other issues, mastery of the English language.


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Re: Two "Civic Agents" on the streets
« Reply #1 on: 31 Jan, 2020, 07:47:57 am »
So next time some selfish person is parked in the disabled space without a card I can call on them, if they are around?


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Re: Two "Civic Agents" on the streets
« Reply #2 on: 31 Jan, 2020, 02:05:50 pm »
...and the Belgians, French, Germans, Eastern Europeans etc.... they get away with it because the have no mastery of the English language or perhaps the Brits are being targeted by these two?


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Re: Two "Civic Agents" on the streets
« Reply #3 on: 01 Feb, 2020, 01:14:57 pm »
Sounds a bit like PSOE's.  Maybe the town hall thinks it is just Brits who need keeping in line....