Author Topic: New trafico laws  (Read 4750 times)


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New trafico laws
« on: 06 Jun, 2019, 08:04:38 pm »
According to the Focus magazine, putting out red triangles if you break down are to be fazed out due to the number of deaths occurring whilst placing or retrieving them have increased.  You are now able to purchase a flashing light which is placed on the roof of the vehicle.  The cost is approximately 29€.  It is still suggested you leave the vehicle to wait in a safer place until help arrives.


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Re: New trafico laws
« Reply #1 on: 06 Jun, 2019, 09:26:46 pm »
Dont think they will change that law anytime soon. Silly people are the problem. As an aside my other half has a little sports car and had a flat in Ireland at night and as she was getting the spare out of boot  a man stopped and changed it for her in no time and she recognized him as as a  member of the traveller community   in ireland who is an actor in a well known tv show. He then followed behind her until he was sure she was ok.  Thank you to that lovely man.

« Last Edit: 06 Jun, 2019, 09:35:25 pm by Raymondo »