Author Topic: COVID DATA  (Read 3950 times)


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« on: 24 Oct, 2021, 08:37:26 pm »

For people who want to check on progress, the following is the current data from official sites.

The number of infections seems to have leveled off, between 50 and 100 per 100,000 daily.
This suggests that the virus will be with us permanently, like the flu and the cold virus.
Almeria is marginally the worst performing province in Andalucia.

In Almeria Province there are 22 Covid patients in hospital, 7 in ICU

In Andalucia there are 173 Covid patients in hospital (0.0025% of the adult population),
43 in ICU.

In Spain –
There are 1730 Covid patients in hospital (0.005% of the adult population), 435 in ICU.
1.41% of hospital beds are occupied by Covid patients, and 4.78% of ICU beds.
The previous 24 hours saw 209 Covid patients admitted to hospital.

98% of Covid patients are eventually released from hospital.

The UK –
Not so easy to find equivalent data.
There are 8238 Covid patients in hospital, 892 on ventilator.
That’s 0.015% of the adult population.
1065 Covid patients are admitted to hospital every day.
My best estimate is that 5% of hospital beds are occupied by Covid patients.

Death rate
Locally the data is published.
2% of those admitted to hospital with Covid die.
There is no published data as to which of these had pre existing health problems.

Effect of the vaccine
According to The Lancet, comparing real life situations as opposed to test data, the vaccine initially is 90% effective against hospitalization, and 70% effective against catching the virus.

But after 5 months these figures drop to around 50%

My conclusion from this is that while the vaccine is the biggest weapon against the virus, it is not sufficient on its own.
There has to also be social distancing and masks. But for how long is the big question.


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« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct, 2021, 09:04:55 pm »
Thanks Roger for update.  Pleased I am here living in Spain and not UK.


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« Reply #2 on: 25 Oct, 2021, 01:14:57 pm »
I echo Roscoe's comments.  I am more than happy to continue to wear my masks as it keeps others safe as well as myself...