Author Topic: Booster jab  (Read 4926 times)


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Booster jab
« on: 11 Nov, 2021, 09:06:15 pm »
Following several conflicting reports regarding the above, we rang the number on clic salud and they told us to go to our medical center to book an appointment to have our booster.  Did that today and we are booked in at Huercal Overa on Tuesday.


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov, 2021, 09:57:16 am »
Interesting!  I went up to Dr in Suffli yesterday morning to get my flu jab.  I was told I had to get my Booster first and then I could get the flu one 15 days after.  I had heard that some are having them both on same day but Dr said they needed to be separate in the event of a reaction, they could tell which one was at fault... 


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #2 on: 16 Nov, 2021, 01:50:47 pm »
Well, an amazing about turn today!  After being refused either jab last week, I went today to update my meds and was asked if I wanted my jab - not just flu but Covid as well!!!  Needless to say I have had both!  :rolleyes:  I love Spain....


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #3 on: 16 Nov, 2021, 04:07:22 pm »
Both of us had our booster today in Huercal Overa, 10 minutes early, 3 cars in front and 5 minutes later job done. :cheesy:


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #4 on: 16 Nov, 2021, 04:46:58 pm »
I had mine at the village surgery today, no waiting to see Dr and he marched me straight in to the nurse to get them done. Less than 10 mins.  It took longer for him to get the vial out of the fridge and flll the needles than any waiting to be seen...


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #5 on: 19 Nov, 2021, 03:08:00 pm »

Spain has seen a sharp rise in infections in the last few days.
From 3000 to 6000 each day.
Still very low compared to other European countries.

There have been no opinions as to the reason for the increase ..
Fall off in vaccine effect?
More mixing indoors due to cooler evenings?
Twenty year olds not turning up for their second dose?

Official opinion is that we should not take too much notice of infection rates, because we do not publish daily infections due to other viruses, such as cold and flu.

What we should be noting is the serious infection rate, which so far is very low.
Hospitalisation numbers due to Covid is 2200, which is 1.8% of occupancy.
ICU due to Covid is 450, 4.9% of capacity.
60% of ICU Covid cases are people without any vaccination.

As for the booster …
Today I reached 6 months and 3 weeks following my second dose.
I had received no call so decided to do something about it.
At Arboleas medical centre the nurse will make an appointment for you.
But to avoid the queue I decided to go on line.
The App would not give me an appointment, and told be to phone Salud Responde, which I did yesterday lunchtime.

The girl checked and confirmed that I am in Arboleas, and said there are no appointments.
Because they are not available in Arboleas.
So I said what about Huercal Overa or Albox.
She said OK, tomorrow at 9.30 in Huercal Overa.

Job done.

While I was waiting in the queue of 100 cars I noticed that there was a mixture of ages, so not all waiting for the booster.
When the girl reached me for my medical card she said .. first or second dose?
I said that I had a telephone appointment for a third dose.
And there was no problem.

So my assumption is that they are not at the moment prioritizing the booster jab.
Certainly I and others have not had a call.
So my advice is to take control and book one yourself.
They are currently offering them to 70 year olds, and are considering extending it soon to 60 year olds (some of whom will already been called if they had the one dose Jannsen vaccine).


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #6 on: 19 Nov, 2021, 05:55:03 pm »
Just announced.
They are starting booster for 60 year olds on Monday, starting with 69.


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #7 on: 20 Nov, 2021, 12:06:12 pm »
We are getting the booster in Huercal Overa next week.  John (82) had his two in Albox and me (73) in Olula,


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Re: Booster jab
« Reply #8 on: 01 Dec, 2021, 10:21:59 am »
Everyone in Almeria who are 60 or over are being asked to make an appointment for their booster.