Author Topic: Brexit Clock  (Read 9166 times)


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Brexit Clock
« on: 02 Aug, 2019, 01:16:03 pm »
A Brexit clock costing 500 pounds has been delivered to Downing Street to count down to 31 St. October just in case they miss it !!!!
That should keep them busy  and they only have to take their heads out of the sand every now and again to check it.
Its like the looneys have been released all at once.
They have set aside 2 billion to make sure the UK Borders and Customs are fully staffed etc but what happens when they  get to Calais or other Ports.???
« Last Edit: 02 Aug, 2019, 01:18:25 pm by Raymondo »


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #1 on: 02 Aug, 2019, 01:48:21 pm »
Please somebody  stop this, it is getting silly  :cry:


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #2 on: 02 Aug, 2019, 05:52:32 pm »
Too late Judi, the UK has been infected by collective madness, consider it a freebie from the ERG Tories in their effort to take back control from the EU.  :evil:


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #3 on: 02 Aug, 2019, 09:42:40 pm »


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #4 on: 02 Aug, 2019, 10:14:25 pm »

Lib democratics inflict the fastest defeat in history for a new PM  in wales.
All going swimmingly then. ???


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #5 on: 03 Aug, 2019, 07:13:52 am »
Rwy'n caru Cymru


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #6 on: 04 Aug, 2019, 07:55:50 pm »
I do wonder how long before we will begin to hear the excuses when everything start to go steadily downhill after Brexit and what those excuses could be?  Maybe wrong leaves on the line?  That seems to be the one most commonly used.


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #7 on: 04 Aug, 2019, 08:29:27 pm »
Not long I suspect Frankie, and it will be everyone’s fault except for the Tories.  :angry: :angry:


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #8 on: 04 Aug, 2019, 10:10:02 pm »
So Judi love Wales, I bet it's not because they voted to leave in 2016.

And Frankie, do you honestly believe Boris Johnson? Like I said, I wouldn't put money on it - I'll believe it when I see it. It's more than 3 years now and we still have not left!


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #9 on: 05 Aug, 2019, 01:36:25 pm »
Do I believe BJ?  No way!  I see him as a clever buffoon who is no fool. All his tactics before speaking are simply designed to disarm his audience whether it be in person or on TV.  He will always weigh things up and then do whatever is good for Boris.  He is hailed by some as the leader of the Leavers campaign.  No, he wasn't.  He did not come out from the start and nail his colours to the mast but waited to see which way the vote was likely to go and then began his own leave campaign quite late with the ludicrous sign on the side of the London bus with the promise of millions of pounds being available for the NHS.  Now that he is PM it appears there is nothing like that promised amount to be doled out but a tiny fraction of it.
I doubt it will be too long before the general public sees  through him and there will be calls for a General Election.
The whole debacle is a total bugger's muddle.


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #10 on: 05 Aug, 2019, 03:35:03 pm »
The feeling at the moment is that Johnson will call a general election, but get the timing right so that it falls during the week after 31st October.  Parliament will be suspended so will not be able to stop him going for no deal.  After that I don’t think he really cares what happens! 😡


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #11 on: 05 Aug, 2019, 03:53:14 pm »
Johnsons government only has a working majority of one  now so he has to keep them all alive and onside for some time.
Its a long long way to 1st. October.
The DUP.  Ten  who are keeping the government afloat  are keeping their heads down just in case .
Interesting times.


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #12 on: 06 Aug, 2019, 10:04:11 pm »
The Times:

“Johnson  would refuse to resign even after losing a confidence vote so he could  force through a no-deal Brexit on October 31, under plans being  considered by Downing Street. Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s  most senior aide, told colleagues last week that Mr Johnson would not  quit if Tory Remainers voted with Labour to bring down the government.  The Times has been told that Mr Johnson could stay on as prime minister  even if Tory MPs were able to form a “government of national unity”  opposed to a no-deal Brexit. Mr Johnson would ignore the result of the  confidence vote and call a “people v politicians” general election to be  held  shortly after Britain had left the EU. Ministers said that there was an  emphasis on “getting stuff out the door” by bringing forward policy  announcements before a possible election this year. Constitutional  experts confirmed yesterday that Mr Johnson would technically be under  no legal obligation to quit if he lost a confidence vote. They warned  that it risked the Queen being “dragged into politics” and put in the  “invidious position” of facing calls to remove the prime minister  herself. Tory Remainers have conceded that there is no “absolutely  foolproof” parliamentary mechanism to stop a no-deal Brexit.”

The Telegraph:

“Brussels believes that Britain will leave the EU without a deal after  accepting that Boris Johnson "isn’t bluffing", the Telegraph  understands. EU leaders are now working on "a working hypothesis of no  deal" following a meeting on Monday between Commission officials and  Brexit diplomats from each of the 27 EU countries, amid mounting  speculation Mr Johnson will call a general election after October 31. It  comes as all government departments in Whitehall were given a 48-hour  deadline to prove their readiness for no deal. The EU-27 is understood  to be shaken by reports that Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s chief  strategist, has said it is too late for MPs to prevent a no deal exit on  Halloween.EU officials had been confident that Mr Johnson would not force Britain  out without a deal, but meetings with his senior adviser David Frost  last week have changed their minds along with newspaper  articles including a confrontational opinion piece written by Brexit  Secretary Stephen Barclay. "Our working hypothesis is now no deal," said  an EU source after the meeting, where diplomats agreed they could not  rely on MPs to prevent a disorderly withdrawal.”


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #13 on: 07 Aug, 2019, 02:19:07 pm »
The closer we gallop to this horrendous conclusion, the more I wish with the knowledge we now have, that the clock could be turned back 3 years.  Had everyone been in possession of the true facts, I suspect it could have been a totally different outcome. :cry:


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Re: Brexit Clock
« Reply #14 on: 07 Aug, 2019, 02:40:30 pm »
I'm not sure it would, I think most of The Great British Public are thick.  Anyway the press would not have printed the truth