Weather Stats > Weather Stats & Comments

Warm enough?

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No wonder I felt a tad warm yesterday - the high up here was 41.7C daytime in the shade and 23.6 overnight.  It's forecast to be warmer for the next few days and there are weather warnings in place for this weekend.
Make sure you all drink loads of water and when you feel you've had enough, drink more...  More people die from dehydration in hot weather, especially the elderly.

I’m coping fine during the day, but sleeping at night is a struggle.

Frankie,  I absolutelyvrefuse to be elderly.   Old, even acient but not elderley

I tend to lean against Rickety rather than elderly!
Annie, I put the A/C on in the bedroom for about 15 mins before going to bed and then put the fan on for the rest of the night.  I am usually asleep before bedroom starts warming up again...

I do that too Frankie, but I still toss and turn if I’m hot.


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