Author Topic: INFECTION AND VACCINE UPDATE  (Read 3960 times)


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« on: 10 Feb, 2021, 12:17:22 pm »

There seems to be cautious optimism that although the death rate is rising slightly there seems to be a fall in the number of infections.
This is being discussed at the moment and we may soon hear if there will be any change to restrictions.

On the issue of vaccines the news is mixed.
Andalucia has completed injections in care homes and for front line health staff.
They are now moving on to elderly people who live at home, especially those with serious health issues and who have a carer.

They are discussing the priority for the next stage of vaccinations.
They are considering the issue of workers who are in constant touch with the public, such as police, supermarket workers, petrol station attendants, bar staff.
It is not clear whether this is for the Astra Zeneca vaccine (of which so far there is very little, and only available for under 55s) or also the Pfizer vaccine.
No decision has been made.

The Spanish Government is continuing to say that the expectation is for 70% of the population to have the vaccine by the summer.
However Andalucia has said that this is impossible based on current delivery of vaccines.
To meet this target they would require 3 million doses in March, instead of the one million expected.

The suppliers have said that they will increase the supply in the second quarter, April, May, June, but have not put a figure on it.
So we will have no clear indication of when we will get the vaccine for several months.