Author Topic: 6k Any Way challenge update  (Read 4728 times)


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6k Any Way challenge update
« on: 23 May, 2020, 04:40:17 pm »
Because we had to cancel the 2020 walk this is in its place, just for this year.  The Walk was 6 kilometres or 3 kilometres and you can still do it on your own, with family, with friends, at the most in small groups.  You can walk, run, cycle, push a buggy, push a wheelchair, swim or do it in your garden or your treadmill.  You can do it all at once or spread it out over several weeks.  You can do it once, once a week or once every day for a week.  The challenge is to do it between Monday 1st of June and Monday 13th July and to persuade friends and family to sponsor you.

Sponsorship forms are available from the website at or email 

Let us know what your challenge is and we will put you on our website and Facebook page then let us know when you have completed it and we will tell everybody; a photo would be good. Please observe social distancing rules and wear a mask where appropriate.

We are off to a good start, with lots of people signing up for the challenge in different ways.  At the start of last year’s Walk one of the first off the mark was Melanie Rayner, in the photo no 25, she is running the same route on the morning of July 2nd, if you see her give her a wave.  Also on the same photo to the left, no 37, is Jane Thomas who is walking the 6k with her husband in easy stages over a weekend.  Waking the 2019 route is Stuart Copeland, no 64 in the checked shirt, Angela Kendal, the pixie, is walking 6k on the rambla near their home with husband Phil.  Maria Walters is walking 6 k around Cerro Gordo.

There are more, Claire Harper is swimming 6x6, 36k in her own pool over 6 weeks and Nigel Bradder, who is 66 this year is doing 6+6=12k around Arboleas on his Elliptigo (see the photo to find out what that is).

For the less energetic, Trudy Sailes has persuaded her family to sponsor her doing 6 hours of weeding and Jeanette Bye, only confident of walking 3k, has persuaded people to sponsor her per kilometre and will try to do 6.

PS 3k=1.86 miles and 6k= 3.73 miles


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Re: 6k Any Way challenge update
« Reply #1 on: 27 May, 2020, 01:07:56 pm »
OOOPS error!!  Melanie Rayner is running the Walk for LIfe course on 2nd June - next Tuesday at 8.30 in the morning, we will remind you next week so you can turn out and wave if you live along the course.  Thank you Melanie I will be there to take a photo.