Author Topic: VACCINATION PROGRESS  (Read 7418 times)


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« on: 14 Feb, 2021, 08:05:33 pm »

Good news that the vaccinations will start soon for the over 80s in Arboleas.

The general situation is that Andalucia currently receives 80,000 vaccines each week.
This is mostly Pfizer and Moderna.
These numbers are due to increase in the next month, but the suppliers cannot give figures.
The big increase of deliveries will start in April, and by then we should have two or three extra vaccines, all produced in the EU.
The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is most promising because it only requires one dose and can be stored for a long time in a fridge.

The President of Andalucia announced two days ago that with the promised extra deliveries he is confident that they will be able to vaccinate 70% of the population by June.
The infrastructure is in place and there are sufficient staff to carry out the injections.

He plans to set up mass drive-in vaccination centres, starting with one in each of the 8 provincial capitals, to be expanded as the number of vaccines increase.

By the end of the summer Spain should have enough vaccines for everyone several times over.

Obviously it is tempting to compare with the UK, where the process started a month earlier.
However the UK is concentrating on one dose, whereas Spain and the rest of the EU are issuing two doses within 3 weeks.
The latest information from the UK, based on an official analysis of a very large sample, is that the one dose is providing 65% effectiveness.
I take this to means that a lot of people who have had the vaccine will get a mild infection.
This compares with 90% with the two doses.

We wait to see which will be the better process in the long term.


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« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb, 2021, 10:06:27 am »
Thank you for this update, Roger!


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« Reply #2 on: 15 Feb, 2021, 05:40:45 pm »
Yes thank you Roger, hope they get a move on soon though. :tiphat:


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« Reply #3 on: 16 Feb, 2021, 10:10:02 am »
Jimmymac, I agree...  One of my friends living up this end of the valley and who is 82 has heard nothing.


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« Reply #4 on: 22 Feb, 2021, 11:08:03 am »
A mass vaccination centre is opening today at the Palacio de Juegos in Almeria.
This is for people in the Almeria Health district and only by appointment.

There are smaller centres now operating in other towns around the province.

The current vaccinations are for over 80s with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, and for under 55s with the Astra Zeneca vaccine for specific people such as teachers and remaining health workers.

All vaccinations are by appointment only.

It is impossible to know how long it will take for the vaccinations to extend to the next age group, 70 to 79.
It depends on the delivery of the vaccine.
Could be the end of March if deliveries increase.
Lots of estimates, but there seems to be optimism that at least 70% of the population will be vaccinated by June/July.

The infection rate for Spain is 340 per 100,000, and slowly falling, despite minor lack downs.
It is stated that those with the vaccination will have a much lower chance of spreading the virus, a figure of 50% has been quoted in the UK.
Obviously this has not yet had an effect in Spain because current vaccinations have only been for care home residents and front line health workers.
The over 80s programme has only been running for a week.
This raises the question of to what extent the vaccination will reduce the spread, because in the UK, with a massive cover of vaccinations for 2 months, the infection rate is 860 per 100,000, with major lock down.
So is the UK variant the reason, and will we face a problem if it spreads here in Spain.
It is currently accounting for around 20% of infections.


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« Reply #5 on: 23 Feb, 2021, 10:18:28 am »
Is i permitted to drive to Almeria City? 
There would not be a permit to hand to Guardia like the one I have taking my cat to the vet.


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« Reply #6 on: 23 Feb, 2021, 01:23:58 pm »
We went in November for a hospital appointment and today for our TIEs.  We had a copy of the appointments.  We saw no Guardia today but were stopped near The Overa Hotel in November


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« Reply #7 on: 23 Feb, 2021, 08:17:47 pm »
The Almeria centre is for people in the Almeria Health District.
When we get the call it will probably be at the centre in Albox.


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« Reply #8 on: 25 Feb, 2021, 09:28:28 am »
If they could use the old Urgencia in Olula to vaccinate it would be very useful for people up this end of the valley.


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« Reply #9 on: 02 Mar, 2021, 02:51:43 pm »
Has anyone in the over 75's but under 80's been called yet?  I do not get a reminder for the flu jab so do not want to miss the covid one...


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« Reply #10 on: 02 Mar, 2021, 03:25:46 pm »
My suggestion is that you ask your doctor/health centre. Tell them you miss the flu notification and check they have your current phone number or email etc. records correct. Other than that each area/district seems to be "doing their own thing" according to how loud they shout to Province.


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« Reply #11 on: 08 Mar, 2021, 01:24:31 pm »
Vaccines are being done up this end of the valley at last  They are being given in the carpark at the swimming pool in Olula, on the ground where the Ferrier is held.


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« Reply #12 on: 08 Mar, 2021, 01:59:27 pm »
Reported in LaVoz today:

According to data from March 7, the Junta de Andalucía has administered a total of 932,229 doses of the vaccine against covid-19 throughout the community, and, specifically, 254,672 people have already received the complete vaccine with the two doses, while 422,885 only have the first.

The Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía, indicates that there are only two provinces in Andalusia that have not yet reached the number of 20,000 immunized: Huelva and Almería, where since this Sunday veterinary professionals in the province are being vaccinated.


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« Reply #13 on: 16 Mar, 2021, 06:34:16 pm »
Spain has so far received almost 7 million vaccines for a population of 46 million.
Remember two doses are required per person.
These are a mixture of Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca.

Pfizer has promised to deliver to Spain 20 million vaccines in the second quarter, April to June.
We do not know how many will come from the other suppliers.
However most, including the new Johnson vaccine, are promised for the third quarter, July to September.

Therefore using these figures it is reasonable to assume that we will not see a great increase in vaccinations until April to June.
By the beginning of July we can reasonably expect that 50% of the adult population will receive the vaccine.
And that all the adult population should receive the vaccination by the end of September.

These are the estimates from the Spanish Government are seem to be reasonable based on the estimate of delivery.

So we should not expect for things to happen quickly.


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« Reply #14 on: 17 Mar, 2021, 04:50:53 pm »
Just had a call John(born 1939) get his jab at 10 am Friday in Albox Centro de Agua, is that the swimming pool?