Author Topic: when  (Read 4072 times)


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« on: 23 Feb, 2021, 08:18:11 pm »
I guess we all want to know when we will get the vaccine.
It is clear that the Junta Health Service has things well organised, but everything depends on how many vaccines they will get and when.

In Andalucia to date 626,000 people have received the vaccine.
The new centre in Almeria is giving 1000 a day, mostly to health and care workers.

It is difficult to get any clear information about how many vaccines we will get and when.

New factories are being set up in various parts of the EU for Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca, but most indicate that we cannot expect many until June, when there should be a very big increase.

Pfizer is the only one where we have much information.
The factory in Belgium is currently producing 100 million a month, with the expectation that it will increase to 200 million a month in June, and one billion by the end of the year.

So not counting Moderna and Astra Zeneca Andalucia should soon be receiving 2 million a month, rising to 4 million in June.
So we can expect things to pick up quickly.

The question is being asked whether Spain will change to one dose, the second in 3 months.
There is a lot of data, often changing by the day.
The latest from Canada stated that giving one dose is the best way to avoid serious illness, but gives low immunity to those with no symptoms, which of course are the people most likely to spread the virus.


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Re: when
« Reply #1 on: 24 Feb, 2021, 06:13:06 pm »
I was told today that following the vacinnation program in Albox last weekend 300 doses had to be sent to Huercal Overa hospital so it wouldn't be wasted. Some people didn't turn up, some didn't want the vacinne offered. Unbelievable.  :angry:


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Re: when
« Reply #2 on: 25 Feb, 2021, 09:26:39 am »
That s bad!  The only way out of this is by as many as possible taking the vaccine. :cry: